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The fluctuations of the daylight are deceiving us.

The ever-changing color of the sky,
even the splendor of the blinding sunlight, are not real.

While the velvety darkness of Night fluctuates the sky reveals its true face.
The reality of a universal structure surrounds us.

Only then, our senses are able to experience the real fabric of SPACE and TIME.

Past images of stars are visible to our eyes.
Zillions years old cosmic events fluctuate into our Present.


The effect of this experience activates our inner evolvement;
our emotionally fluctuating state of mind.

The mysteries of the night fascinate us.

Awakens, evokes our imagination, empowers our instincts, our desires and dreams.

Barriers - or any other compromises – deep rooted into our Daylight Morality evaporate.

Then, free and open, we are able to undergo that delightful flood of joy:

Sensations fluctuate inside us.
Our sensors become intensely sensitive.
Our Ratio weakens; our Instinct intensifies our urge to blend into these wonderful,
infinite fluctuations of mysteries.

Then, –as in a wonder - we respond, impulsively and creatively, to any stimulant.

Sounds, music, images, silhouettes, colors, fragrances, flavors, caresses, evoke our inner rhythm, inspire our fantasy, enhance our expressiveness, our desires.

We are allowed to transform into what we really are: ALIVE.

Fulfilled with the Delight of Joy we see and hear the Night fluctuate into the Dawn and die into the Day.

Not sad but yearning, we undergo the confrontation with the DAYTIME REALISM.
Our RATIO and INSTINCT harmonize into the EXPECTATION for the forthcoming TWILIGHT,
the Fluctuation of the DAY into the NIGHT.

The sharp edges of the everyday life seem smoother.
Some call this satisfying sensation HAPPINESS.
Others call it BEING ALIVE.


All this talk about Fluctuations, Sensations, and Mysteries

will evoke – naturally – question marks.
Exceedingly curious by nature, we will seek- as always - all answers.
This is a drive to our survival mechanism after all !

The Fluctuations of all mysteries into the essence of life must never find an answer.

An answer to a mystery destroys its magical glow;

The Mystery - dismantled from its sensational powers - will be reduced to Knowledge.

Pulverized and reshaped becomes the Mystery an ordinary suburban fact,

suitable element for
the hypocritical sermons of the Moralist.

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