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Medea 's Return

Memories are scars on the skin of Time.
I know.

Around me hide countless veiled Images.
I force myself,
My eyes, I force, to shut down
I beg their eyelids, their own…
Sometimes- not often- they obey.
That moment,
in between its particles
I witness the hidden images around me
One by one…
Unveiled by my own lips.

I breathe in my ears contours.
My skin begins to identify shades of colors.
Unknown odors
- unknown to this moment …never again -
penetrate my face
perforate my heart.
My heart has been caressed by hidden images.
Namelessodours which gaze at me 
-like the passing Time does-
born from a womb of unsolicited memories,
burned deep into my scarred flesh.

Memories are the scars on the skin of Time,
scheming a Future

destinedtodieinto a Past.

Around me
are many hidden hours.
I command my scarred skin to be insensitive.
To ignore any deceiving touch,
any misleading scent of sounds:
Words that pretend to less my thirst ‘s irresistible name: Desire.

You must be very careful, not to offend the Gods.
There are offerings you may never outbid.
There are thoughts you may not exclaim.
Be aware of 
What you were
especially before you were born
what you are
what you will be after you die.

There are certain hours when you may not sing 
There are sacred afternoons of Silence you may not disturb.
You must be very careful, not to offend the Gods.

You are trapped in a middle of a circle:
You may never pronounce its name
You may never trespass its circumferences.

These who dared and escaped became your nameless heroes.
They forgot who they were.
What they dreamed to be.
Where they came from.
They never died.
Simply, they disappeared into a glorious shapeless Future
-that is their Destiny, premeditated by you-
their images fade away into an emptiness
in-between the statues of the Gods.
There are signals you may not respond. 
There are signs you may never decipher.

You must be very careful, not to offend the Gods
This is your only chance to be a part of this universe.

Look at me.
While your eyes examine my face
memorize the form of my lips.
during one Daylight
one Twilight
even a Nightlight,
when, if, I will disappear
you can say that:
a smile is lost.
Then smile yourself my smile.

Because of the same moment
somewhere, somewhen
a star will be born.


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